Sunday, October 18, 2009


I can't figure out if losing you made me blind or made me see.

I had this film over my eyes that made all things fuzzy and nothing was really clear. At first, I didn't know the mucky film was there. As the film got foggier and clouded more, I knew it wasn't all in my head. I knew something was wrong. Sharp, shallow aches from my stomach and my heart shook me to realize that you had changed. I saw it coming all this time, and I let myself get too attached. I lied to myself, even told myself the film would get better over time and the image of you would be crisply real and divine.

I scratched out the film out with my bare fingernails one day, bloody and scarred were my eyes- yet I could see again. The blindness was nearly gone and images were clear.. But I found that being blind could shield me of the terrible realization of how cruel you actually were. You were selfish and degraded me. I trusted the very thing, out of blind faith, like a personal jesus- a friend. You were the very thing I was against all along, and I knew you needed me. You were a parasite, and always were. I dealt with this monster's faults and greed, and then it turned it's ugly head and vomited lies. I, now with this sight, think that I did the right thing. I severed you from myself and rejected you, like an unwanted skin graft. As sick as I sound, I can only brutally say that I honestly can't take it anymore.

I refuse to accept a leech.

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