Sunday, May 10, 2009

2 More Weeks

This weekend was pretty boring, except for becca spending the night friday :]
Since it's mothers day i felt obligated to not be social for the weekend, which somewhat sucks, but i dont mind staying home so much anymore.

Last weekend I went to jay l's house with zoe and becca and it was pretty ridiculously awesome :]
We saw a car wreck, where we later found out someone died and there were a bunch of people inside. It was on ponce, a few streets down, but when it started raining it didnt make a difference and we were soakeddddd. Zoe and I wrestled in the rain, and she has to totally admit i annihilated her :P Jay L is probably one of the nicest guys i know, and for some reason after i hung out with him and saw how he viewed things, it made me realize things about myself, just hearing it from him. Same goes for Alex, who is ridiculously nice and actually reasons with things the way I do.

I am a lot happier stripping myself of my old "friends". I really dont need them at all, and i thought they really mattered when I was all apart of that whole thing. Having a lot of friends outside of a clique is much more comforting than having such a tight cult.

I miss california so much it sickens me.

Things are changing, and I have 2 more weeks of school last.
I can't wait for summer.

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