Monday, January 4, 2010

Zolaika Scully Copeland/Winter Break

Tomorrow school starts back up.. and I'm very unpleased.

Malaika and Zoe bought me the cutest rat in the world! Her name is Zolaika "Scully" Copeland. But this may all change considering my mom is furious and I'm no longer allowed in my house with an animal. Butttt I'll do all I can to keep her, considering I have no idea who I'd give her to.

Carson F-Word Fleishman has a kick-ass demo :) and it makes me super happy.

I know bad things are coming and I have to take them on while I'm strong. I've got my best friends and people that care, so I know I'll be alright in the end. Everything comes to an end, even if it is scary that it comes so close.

I don't really want help though considering its nearly impossible to explain. Everything makes so much more sense in my head.

I saw sarah kim and jazzy
made up with pearl
partied nonstop
watched the peach drop downtown
made new friends
and chilled with old ones.
I dont think I could have had a crazier or more fun winter break. :)


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