Wednesday, February 24, 2010


It's 4 days until my sixteenth birthday.
I never ever imagined I'd ever be like this.

I miss how things used to be all the time, but I'm truly trying to just move on and stop caring. To stop getting that oozing squeeze in your heart when you remember something that once made you happy. I still have people and new things and events that make me happy, I just don't completely know what to do with myself though.

I live 80% in the future and 20% in the present.

The day I finally get out of here I will probably be lost because it's my ultimate goal.

I never thought I would feel this way about love and relationships. I'm completely dead to the over all hope of finding anyone as a teenager. A good friend of mine made me realize that no matter how nice of a person boys seem to be, there really isn't any kind of person at this age out there. So, why not continue how I'm doing things now?

16 Things I wish I told myself a long time ago:

1. Love is only going to hurt you eventually.
2. Keep a distance to everyone.
3. The whole truth isn't always worth telling.
4. Never try to help anyone with a matter unless they ask you up front, and if they do don't give advice you wouldn't take yourself.
5. Don't be afraid to try things in fear of failing.
6. In the end, everything will be okay.
7. Never trust the cops or any person in the judicial system.
8. The people you were truly good friends with always come back around some how.
9. Don't hesitate in being yourself.
10. Sluts and being a sexual human beings are 2 different things.
11. You will never fit in so make the best with what you have.
12. Don't let people bring you down from what you want.
13. Let yourself seriously fuck up sometimes.
14. You will have to hurt people.
15. Everything has a million different sides, but facts can only really matter.
16. Don't let what you love slip away

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