Wednesday, June 24, 2009

my first poem since february.

my current situation

lost in this oblivion
shut eyes become more blind and walk into more minefields
safe and secure, my bed will arise, flip me onto the cold wood
splinters are no where, but broken nails pierce through my broken fingers
no use to scream, i walk into infernos
i will trip and my soul wont follow me
but dark waters become my shadows surrounding my empty vessel on this day
sweet words warm my broken shards of a heart and i regret the illusion of the thought
bury my sin and my skin be metal and stone
i can't love again.

and there you have it. I don't really know how to describe things anymore with details of events, and thoughts, and normal things. I don't think you can display your thoughts on anything without making nonsense to everyone but yourself.

If you relate, you're a damn fool.

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