Wednesday, June 10, 2009


One person who matters a lot to me doesnt get that being a virgin still isn't a bad thing. For god sakes, you are still only 16. No big deal. Actually, a girl has respect for a guy more if they haven't just screwed some random chick or if they saved it for someone they really loved/liked a lot.
And i can't stand it how some guys don't chase girls because they lack confidence and wonder why their girlfriends turn out to be skanks... the girl was all over you and blunt without any friendship because she is a SKANK. but he knows it, but it doesnt bother him. He is worth so much more than that and he thinks he is worthless. He has given up everything and doesn't care about himself at all and it freaks me out. He is just a ticking time bomb for worse things to happen...

I'm not being over dramatic or blowing it up. I am worried that he feels like this is it and his life is ending.. the way he talks about things it seems like he thinks the world is ending. He is more than just anybody and he could really do something with himself if he made it through all the bullshit and focused on whats important.

Easier said than done.
I guess I'm a hypocrite.

I just got back from seattle and portland.

I'm moving to seattle when I'm older. Kurt C. was right.

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