Thursday, August 27, 2009


So, pretty much my medical forum was insanely fun. I didn't expect to love practically every person, but indeed.. I did. My group (Spock) was the most obnoxious, strangest, nerdiest, and most fun team ever. I made friends I want to keep for a longggg time. Of coarse, I complained about going and going completely alone was scary... but it turned out great. I actually cried on the flight home, since it was one of the only places I felt like I could belong to. I have to go back one day.

School has been going on for practically a month and it is a LOT better than last year. Sure, I have my complaints, but at least I'm not a freshman anymore. Plus, I have more freedom and I've spaced things out a lot better. I have way less work, which is really strange to me. I have three core classes this semester, and only one next semester sooo I can't wait until next semester.

I miss Ryan like whoknowswhat since he went back to military school. I see him on weekends though, if we're lucky, but I don't care as long as we get to talk :)

I have started baby sitting, even though it isn't my first job in mind i'm going to be grateful to even get work.

I hope that this year will go by smoothly, and maybe even get better. I miss writing like I used to, but I don't know exactly what to do with myself. It leaves me restless, but not totally inspired.

Soooooo blogging is what I'm going to do when I'm this bored. I'll try to update more... :/

<3 love to all.

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